Indeterminate varieties bear fruit over a long period of time and typically require trellising or staking.
Determinate types have a concentrated fruit set and a shorter growth habit, therefore don’t require trellising.
Semi-Determinate types grow somewhere between Determinate & Indeterminate. Most Semi-determinate varieties are technically indeterminate plants that act bushy due to their shorter vines.
Early Varieties
Ace - Determinate - 80 days. Ace is a vigorous med-large determinate tomato plant that was bred for the marketplace so it resists cracking. A good choice for a farmer's market tomato. Resistant to Fusarium Wilt, and Verticillium Wilt.
Bush Beefsteak - Determinate - 62 Days. This is the perfect sandwich-sized fruit! Solid-fleshed fruits of a deep, rich red, average 8 ounces on vigorous, bushy plants are high yielders. Now beefsteak tomatoes can be grown in a container!
Bush Champion - Determinate - 65 days, Bush Champion' is one of the best varieties for growing in large containers on patios and decks! The plant is more upright and bushy than other vining types, which makes it ideal for gardeners that have limited space but want to grow their own tomatoes. This determinate, disease resistant variety will produce one large crop of tomatoes. The large, 9 to 12oz round globes slice well and are delicious when added to salads or sandwiches.
Bush Early Girl - Indeterminate - 63 days, Higher-yielding and earlier than other compact varieties, these large red fruits have excellent flavor. A true bush-type plant, perfect for large patio pots – amazingly compact yet productive. Growing only 18" tall, this plant produces tasty red fruits measuring almost 4" across, 4 to 8 oz.
Crimson Sprinter - Semi-determinate - 65 days, Typically 3' h x 2' w, Canadian heirloom, Brilliant candy apple red fruit and strong performance in cool conditions. Medium-sized mild fruits medium-sized slicer with 5-7oz fruits, are early, abundant and ripen well on the vine.
Early Doll - Determinate - 55 days. One of the earliest tomatoes. Bright red, 4 to 5-oz., globe shaped fruits combine an outstanding tomato flavor with an early maturity every gardener will appreciate. Excellent for salads, salsas, or slicing.
Glacier - Limited - Semi-determinate - 55 days - Early maturing plant produces heavy yields of 2 to 3oz red tomatoes. They are very sweet, juicy, and flavorful. Perfect for salads and snacks. Great tomato for short growing season, cool nights or cooler areas as it will set tomatoes at cooler temperatures It continues to bear the entire season. Good for Containers.
Homestead - Limited - Semi-Determinate - 80 days, Known for its reliability to set fruit at high temperatures. Produces firm, meaty tomatoes. Large vines help shade fruit to protect from sunburn, and will need to be staked or caged.
Little Sicily (tagged Patio)- Determinate, 63 days. Abundant harvests of 3-4oz, round, slicing tomatoes on a tidy, compact 2 foot tall plants. Ideal for patios and containers.
Oregon Spring - Determinate - 65 to 70 days, Early maturing plant produces heavy yields of 4 to 6oz red tomatoes. It has the rich tomato flavor. They are very flavorful, meaty, and have very few seeds. Perfect for salads, slicing, sandwiches, and for making ketchup, paste, and sauce. a variety which could be set out in very cool spring temperatures. They can go out in April if freezing can be prevented.
Patio - Limited - Determinate, 70 days, excellent for containers and small gardens, bearing tasty 3 to 4 oz. tomatoes on strong, compact plants that grow only 2' tall.
Disease Resistant Varieties
Damsel - Indeterminate - 75 days, Heirloom, Produces avg. 8 to 12 oz. beefsteak like fruits with beautiful, pink skin. Shares flavor qualities (sweet, rich, and tangy) with traditional pink heirlooms, such as Brandywine and Pruden's Purple, but is more resistant of late blight, verticillium wilt and nematodes.
Defiant - Determinate - 70 Days, The first tomato bred for resistance to the modern strains of Late Blight disease. This high yielding plant produces 6 to 8 oz. globe-shaped fruits that combine disease resistance with great old-fashioned tomato flavor.
Legend - Determinate, 68 days, Extra early maturity with tolerance to late blight. Big round 8oz glossy red fruit with excellent flavor.
Mountain Fresh - Determinate - 75 Days. Able to tolerate cool and wet conditions, this big red tomato produces attractive, 8-16 oz. slicers with good flavor. High resistance to fusarium wilt races 1, 2, nematodes, and verticillium wilt.
Mountain Magic - Indeterminate - 70 to 80 days, A true breakthrough when it comes to disease-resistance. This scrumptious Campari-like tomato withstands the big three threats besetting tomatoes: late blight, early blight and fruit cracking. Count on a crop of sweet, great-tasting, 2 oz. fruits on plants.
Mountain Merit - Determinate - 75 days, Medium-large, 8 to 10 oz. red slicer tomato produced on a plant that has a high level of resistance to late blight. It has good adaptability, deep red colored, firm fruit and also offers intermediate resistance to early blight and Nematodes.
Red Defender - Determinate 75 days, A mid-season variety that produces heavy yields of firm, large to extra-large fruit on plants that offer excellent disease protection. The fruit ripen to a beautiful deep red color, display uniform ripening and have an excellent taste and shelf-life, Resistant to Fusarium Wilt, Verticillium Wilt, Gray Leaf Spot, Alterneria Stem Canker and intermediate resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus.
Large Slicer
Beefsteak - Indeterminate - 90 days, Produces large, meaty red fruit over a long season. Because it matures late compared to many other tomatoes, it will provide a fresh harvest in the latter part of the season. Resistant to fusarium wilt and nematodes.
Better Boy - Indeterminate 70 days, Great performer with big hybrid-quality yields of succulent, juicy yet meaty tomatoes averaging about a pound apiece, resistant to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt Race 1, Nematodes, Alternaria, and Gray Leaf Spot, wide adaptation to climates and conditions, Better Boy holds a Guinness Book of World Records championship for yields.
Big Beef - Indeterminate - 73 days, Extra large 10 to 12 oz. ruby red tomatoes are firm, juicy and highly flavored, minimum size is about 10 oz.
Big Boy - Indeterminate - 78 days, Very large, smooth scarlet fruit with meaty flesh and great flavor. Heavy crops peak in midseason but continue until frost, fruits weigh in 10 oz. with many reaching 1 lb. or more.
Carolina Gold - Determinate - 71 days. Extra large, golden fruits are meaty with a sweet, mild flavor. A yellow-gold 'Mountain' variety is early and features huge, 10-12-oz. fruits that are smooth, oblate, crack-resistant and tolerant of Grey Wall. Adapts to bush or stake culture. Testing indicates they may contain more readily absorbable lycopene than red tomatoes.
Celebrity - Determinate - 70 days, All-purpose variety with superb flavor, disease resistance and heavy yield. Crack-resistant fruits average 7 oz.
Chef's Choice Orange - Indeterminate - 75 days, Perfect balance of rich, heirloom flavor and function, bright orange 9 to 12 oz. fruits keep their radiant tangerine tones, fresh or cooked, Disease-resistant plants resist cracking, as well.
Early Girl - Indeterminate - 50 days large, sweet 4- to 6-ounce fruits ,They are filled with tangy juice, and have an old-fashioned, rich tomato tang that imparts more flavor than many modern varieties can, heavy-bearing and vigorous, with great resistance to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt.
Goldie - Indeterminate, 57 days, Deep orange beefsteak fruits, frequently bi-lobed, average 16-20oz. Rated as the best of all orange tomatoes, delivering it’s rich flavor with an extraordinary velvety texture. Often the first large tomato to ripen. Don’t harvest it until it has a distinct rosy blush on the bottom. Very productive. Will catface under cold or excessively wet conditions.
Jetstar - Indeterminate - 72 days, 7 to 8 oz. globes with outstanding flavor. Early tomato that is red, mild-flavored and high yielding. The smooth firm fruits almost never scar or crack and have excellent interior and exterior coloration. Resistant to F1 and V.
Jubilee - Indeterminate - 80 days, Thick wall, meaty, and have a mild flavor, Low acidity, 8 to 12 oz. bright golden-orange tomatoes.
Marglobe - Determinate - 75 days, Produces high yields of 8 to 10oz red tomatoes, Crack resistant, Perfect for sandwiches, salads, slicing, and canning.
Rutgers - **Indeterminate - 74 days, Amazing acid flavor, this medium to large size tomato with a dark red skin and beautiful dense texture is really juicy too, Fusarium resistance, has proven to be one of the best old heirloom varieties.
Tomato Heirloom
Aunt Ruby's German Green - **Indeterminate - 85 days, Sweet and tart, rich and spicy 12 to 16 oz. fruits blush lightly yellow and develop an amber-pink tinge on the blossom end when ripe, green eating tomato, it also makes a delicious basis for salsa verde. The central large tomatoes are the best. Flavor deteriorates when cold weather sets in.
Black Krim - Indeterminate - 80 days, heirloom. Black Krim is an old Russian variety almost black in color with green shoulders. Reaching as much as 12 oz., these globe-shaped tomatoes have a pleasantly unique salty flavor Medium-sized, very dark maroon beefsteak, with wonderfully rich flavor.
Box Car Willy - Indeterminate, 80 days, Outstanding quality with full bodied flavor. Exceptional yields of bright red, meaty 8-12oz crack resistant fruit. Vigorous vines require support.
Brandywine - Indeterminate - 90 days, Heavy producer of big, boat-shaped, beefsteak fruits. Tempting pink-red color, 1 to 1 1/2 lb. size and rich, creamy aftertaste.
Cherokee Purple - Indeterminate - 72 days, An old Cherokee Indian heirloom that originated in Tennessee. Outstanding, earthy-sweet rich taste, Medium-large, flattened globe, 8 to 12 oz. fruits. Color is dusky pink with dark shoulders. Multilocular interior ranges from purple to brown to green.
Cosmonaut Volkov - Indeterminate - 65 days, Productive, cool-weather tolerant and great flavor, deep red slightly flattened 8 to 12 oz. globes, sweet, rich and full-bodied.
Crimson Sprinter - Semi-Determinate, 65-75 days, Almost lost to cultivation, this heirloom has been re-selected for vigor and disease resistance. The earliest maturing cultivar to carry the famous ‘crimson gene’ with notably high lycopene content. Strong performance in cool conditions allows for early season havests. A delicious, medium-sized slicer with 5-7oz fruits that are bountiful, ripen nicely on the vine, and holds better than most heirlooms.
German Johnson - Indeterminate, 75 Days, deep, a large, nearly seedless 1 to 2 lb. fruits. The deep pink color is distinctive, but the real benefit is the flavor: creamy, tangy, meaty, and juicy. The fruits are lobed and resist cracking
Goldie - Indeterminate - 75 days. Deep orange beefsteak fruits, frequently bi-lobed, average 16–20 oz. Though reputed to be more than 150 years old, Goldie was introduced commercially in 1977 by Gleckler’s Seedsmen. Rich flavor with an extraordinary velvety texture. Harvest when it has a distinct rosy blush on the bottom. Very productive. Will catface under cold or excessively wet conditions.
Green Zebra - Indeterminate, 75 days, Complicated flavor, starting sweet on the tongue and finishing tangy, 3 to 4oz. Harvest these tomatoes promptly, as soon as the white or cream striping begins to turn yellow.
Kelloggs Breakfast - Indeterminate - 80 days, beautiful orange beefsteak, fruit is very flavorful and superbly sweet, big 14-ounce fruits and meaty, almost seedless flesh
Marion - Limited - Indeterminate - 70 to 75 days, Smooth, deep-globed, and crack resistant fruit, 6 to 8 oz., A great slicing tomato. Resistant to fusarium wilt (F) and gray leaf spot (St).
Mortgage Lifter - Indeterminate - 80 days, This huge 16-24oz. heirloom beefsteak tomato is rich and meaty, with few seeds. Great for slicing, sandwiches and salsas. Developed in the 1930s by a gardener who was able to pay off his mortgage in six years, thanks to his tomato discovery.
Moskovich - Indeterminate - 60 Days, Fruits are early, deep red, and cold tolerant. Rich flavor. Smooth and globe-shaped. 4 to 6 oz.
Old German - Limited - Indeterminate - 75 days, High on flavor and low on seeds! the big, 1 lb., yellow fruit have a luscious red exterior and center. Although it has an odd shape, Old German is one of the best-tasting slicers you can grow.
Oxheart - Indeterminate - 75 days, This heart-shaped heirloom offers timeless old fashioned flavor. The fruit are very juicy and meaty, with deep-pink flesh. Plants produce fruit up to 12 oz. in weight.
Paul Robeson - Indeterminate, 80 to 90 Days, A Russian heirloom, Brick red, 8 to 12 oz. fruits have dark green shoulders and red flesh. Flavor is exceptional with a nice balance of sweetness and acidity.
Pineapple - Indeterminate - 85 to 95 days, Pineapple is a beefsteak type with huge yellow-gold fruit often striped in red and boasting fewer seeds and more solids, It has a strong Tomato aroma and fruity aftertaste, for a “real tomato” experience you just can't find with today's less robust, milder-tasting hybrids.
Pruden's Purple - Indeterminate - 67-85 days, Dark pinkish-purple skin, this widely adapted heirloom produces large, slightly flattened 1 lb. fruits with firm, meaty, crimson flesh and few seeds, It is exceptionally early for a large tomato. Average fruit weighs 1 lb., is 4" across, and 3" high, flavor is wonderful, very few seeds.
Rose de Berne - Indeterminate - 80 days, Swiss heirloom, dark pink tomato that is shaped like a perfect globe, smooth and round with no blemishes. Fruits are medium size, 6 to 8oz., These tomatoes have a thin skin, are juicy, and filled with sweet flavor that is wonderfully balanced with a bit of zing. Very productive plants yield a heavy crop.
Siberian - Determinate - 57 to 60 days, Early maturing plant produces heavy yields of 2 to 5 oz. bright red tomatoes. They are sweet and flavorful. Perfect for salads, slicing, and sandwiches. Plant is capable of setting fruit even at 38 degrees. One of the earliest maturing varieties on the market.
Soldaki - Indeterminate - 75 Days, Poland sends us this heirloom variety, memorable for its low acid and intensely sweet flavor. Dark pink fruits, flattened in shape, weigh about a pound and are packed with firm flesh inside thin skins.
Yellow Brandywine - Indeterminate - 90 Days - The Yellow Brandywine tomato is a large golden-yellow beefsteak type tomato that can weigh up to two pounds. Its juicy, apricot-colored flesh has a robust flavor that is both sweet and satisfyingly acidic, more so than other orange or yellow-colored tomatoes, though not as tart.
Paste Tomatoes
WHILE SUPPLIES LASTSAmish Paste - Indeterminate - 85 Days, heirloom plum, Large for a sauce tomato, Amish Paste is slightly irregular plum-to strawberry shaped fruits avg. 8 12 oz. with excellent flavor. These meaty tomatoes are good in salads and great for processing.
Grandma Mary's Paste - Indeterminate - 70 days, This familiar heirloom variety has large, pointed red paste tomatoes that are meaty and flavorful, just right for cooking into sauce or chopping up for fresh use. Expect abundant harvests, as these plants are prolific.
Heinz - Determinate, 68 days, rounded plum type with 2-2.5 ox fruit, usually ripen well before frost. Firm fruits for sauce, ketchup and canning.
Roma - Determinate - 76 days, Classic variety for canning and saucing, small, thick-walled, flavorful tomato, rich, authentic, meaty tomato tang!, lower juice content.
San Marzano - Indeterminate - 80 days, Firm pulp, low seed count and easily-removed skin. Medium-sized fruits are slightly larger than Roma but smaller than Gilbertie and Amish. Resists cracking and holds well both on the vine and in storage. Heavy yields.
Speckled Roman - Indeterminate - 85 days, Rich tomatoey sweetness and good texture. Roman’s red cylindrical fruits are covered with orange-yellow striations, early abundance of meaty 4 to 5 oz. fruits. Susceptible to disease in cool wet seasons.
Cherry, Grape,Pear & Saladettes
Black Cherry - **Indeterminate - 65 days, Yields plentiful clusters of perfectly round 1" true cherry tomatoes that are deep red with a blackish hue. The flavor is complex, rich, juicy and sweet.
Fantastico - early-maturing, high-yielding grape tomato with built-in Late Blight Tolerance. Bred for small gardens, determinate Fantastico will work great in hanging baskets, container gardens as well as in small gardens.
Indigo Ruby - Semi-determinate - 75 to 80 DAYS, Clusters of 6-8 firm glossy fruits, Allow fruits to fully ripen for complex aromatic flavor, fruits are usually ready later in the season when they turn from shiny black to matte purple. Good flavor with 'plummy' overtones. Vigorous and disease resistant.
Juliet - **Indeterminate - 60 days, Somewhere between a grape and a Roma tomato, plump, deep red, ultra-sweet yet meaty little fruits just 2" long and about 1½" in diameter, they hold up to 2 weeks on the vine, resist cracking, and offer nonstop production all season long.
Matt’s Wild Cherry - **Indeterminate - 55 DAYS, Copious quantities of small, deep red cherries with exceptional flavor, keeps producing prolifically when every other tomato in the field is down for the count with early blight. Pick frequently as skin is thin and cracks easily. Shows moderate field tolerance to late blight.
Peacevine - **Indeterminate - 78 DAYS, Produces impressive numbers of uniform bright crimson 1" tomatoes, delicious flavor, Resists cracking.
Principe Borghese - *Determinate - 69 to 80 days, Italian heirloom famous for sun drying, The red plum-shaped fruits are about two inches long and one or two ounces in size. They have a thin skin and a thick, very meaty flesh that houses few seeds and little juice, with a rich classic tomato flavor and crack-resistant fruit. Although they are determinate in growth habit, plants will benefit from extra support, such as trellising or caging, as they can grow up to six feet and produce many weighty clusters of fruit.
Rapunzel - **Indeterminate - 68-70 Days, Plants produce unique, long cascading trusses with up to 40 fruits. Very flavorful, bright red, 3/4 to 1 oz. cherry tomatoes.
Sungold - **Indeterminate - 57 Days, Exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomatoes, High resistance to fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.
Sweet 100 - **Indeterminate, 60 Days, Classic sweet, red cherry tomato, prolific yields, High resistance to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt.
Sweet Pea - Indeterminate, 62 Days, tiny 1/4” fruit have sweet currant like flavor. Low spreading habit that lends itself to containers and especially hanging baskets.
Yellow Pear - **Determinate, 70 DAYS, Sweet, tangy yellow pear-shaped fruits, Thick skin resists cracking.
Specialty Mixed 4 Packs $5.99
#1 Slicers - Beefsteak, Big Boy, Better Boy, Big Beef.
#2 All Season - Early Girl, Sweet 100, Big Boy, Brandywine
#3 All The Colors - Golden Jubilee, Rutgers, Indigo Rose, Aunt Ruby’s German Green
#4 Heirloom - Brandywine, Black Krim, Pineapple, Cherokee Purple.
#5 Patio - Container Choice, Bush Champion, Bush Early Girl, Little Sicily
#6 Disease Resistant - Defiant, Marglobe, Jetstar, Red Defender
#7 Soup and Salad - (Limited Qty) Roma, Sweet 100, Early Girl, Big Beef