4 Pack Herbs $2.99
Dark Opal
Spicy Globe
Italian Flat Leaf
4 1/2" Potted Herbs $5.99
Agrimony - Zones 6 through 9
Alpine Strawberry - Zone 5
Anchusa officinalis Alkanet, Common bugloss - Zones 4-8
Angelica - Zones 4-9
Anise Hyssop - Tender Perennial, Zones 5-9
Arnica - Zones 4 through 9
Ashwagandha - Zones 8 and above
Basil - Large leaf Genovese - Zones 10 and above - Annual
Bergamot (m.fistulosa)- Zones 4 to 10
Betony - Zone 4
Borage - zones 3 to 10
Catnip - Zones 3-9
Chamomile German - Zones 4-9
Chamomile Roman - Zones 4 through 9
Chia - Zones 9–12
Chickory - Zones 3-10
Chives - Zones 3-10
Chives Garlic - Zones 3 to 10
Cilantro - Annual
Comfrey - Zones 3-9
Costmary - Zones 4-11
Cooking Thyme - Zones 5-9
Cumin - Zones 5-10
Dill - Annual, Zones 9 through 11
Elcampane Inula - Zones 3 – 7
Eucalyptus Lemon - Zones 9-11
Feverfew - Zones 5-9
Gogi Berry - Zones 4-10 - Borderline Hardy
Henna - Zones 9b-11
Horehound - Zone 4
Hyssop - Zones 3 to 11
Indigo - Zones 10 and 11
Lavender (Munstead) - Zones 4-9
Lemon Balm - Zones 3 through 7
Lemon Grass - Zones 9-10
Lovage - Zones 4 to 8
Marjoram - zone 9 to 11
Marshmallow - Zones 3-9
Oregano - Hot & spicy - Perennial in zones 4-10
Pennyroyal - Zones 5-9
Peppermint - Zones 3 through 11
Purslane - Zones 5-10
Rosemary - Upright - Zones 7-9
Rue - Zone 4 to 9
Sage - Zones 4-8
Sesame - Zones 9-11 - Annual
Sorrel - Zones 5 to 7
Sorrel French - Zones 5 to 7
Spearmint - Zones 3-11
Spilanthes - Zones 9-11
St. John's Wort - Zones 4-10
Stevia - Zones 11 and above
Summer Savory - annual
Tansy - Zones 3- 9
Tarragon - Zones 4b-5
Thyme Cooking - Zones 5 to 9 and marginally hardy to Zone 4 with added winter protection.
Thyme - Lemon - Zones 4-7
Watercress - Zones 5 - 11
White Sage - Zones 8 through 11
Winter Savory - Zones 5 to 11
Wormwood - Zones 4 through 9