

Use one pound of seed potato to plant 5-8 row feet,
2.5 pounds per 12-15 row feet,
5 pounds per 25 row feet,
20 pounds per 100 row feet.
For fingerling potatoes, use about half these amounts, as the eyes spiral the length of the tuber

Yield: 1:10 seed weight to pounds of crop harvested

If grown in well balanced soil, Potatoes will typically produce on a 1:10 ratio of pounds of seed planted to pounds of potato crop harvested.  If your yields are higher, great job!!  Your soil’s in great shape.  If your yields are lower, it could be a varietal characteristic or an indication that something is out of balance in your soil. 

Early potatoes mature in 65-80 days.
Midseason potatoes mature in 80-90 days
Late potatoes mature in more than 90 days


 5# Bags Of Potatoes $6.99 bag

  • Conventional

  • Green Mountain - NOT AVAILABLE 2022

  • Kennebec

  • Red Norland

  • Red Pontiac

  • Russet

  • Yukon Gold

Bulk Organic Potatoes $3.99 a pound

  • Organic Kennebec NOT AVAILABLE 2022

  • Organic Yukon Gold

  • Organic Red Norland

Bulk Conventional Potatoes $1.50 a pound

  • All Blue - An heirloom variety more than 100 years old with many colorful names such as Blue Marker, Fenton Blue, and River John Blue. With deep blue skin and blue flesh sporting a white ring, tubers are oblong with deep eyes. Excellent flavor used any way – sautéed, steamed, or mashed. Moderate resistance to late blight, hollow heart, second growth, and common scab. Very drought tolerant and may not do well in a wet year. Look for blue blossoms and blue-veined stems on this tall, robust medium-spreading plant. Their blue color gives them the antioxidant power of kale and spinach

  • Chieftan - early to mid-season red-skinned variety offers high yields and good eating qualities. Expect a large set of round, bright red tubers with nice white flesh. Stores well. Resistant to scab and tuber net necrosis; field resistant to late blight.

  • Green Mountain - NOT AVAILABLE 2022 late season, famous for it’s marvelous flavor and exceptional baking qualities. An heirloom released in 1885, bred in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Produces a high yield of light tan-skinned, white-fleshed tubers that store exceedingly well. Resistant to verticillium, blackleg, and fusarium storage rot, bt susceptible to scab and viruses.

  • Katahdin - NOT AVAILABLE 2022 mid-season, consistent performance and waxy flesh that is delicious boiled or in potato salad. The gold standard of storage potatoes! High yielding, adaptable big plants. Shows moderate resistance to scab. REBA IS A GREAT SUBSTITUTION

  • Kennebec - mid-season, a popular all purpose potato with smooth skin and texture, white flesh that resists late blight with heavy yields

  • Reba - A superior, multipurpose variety offering high yields of large, buff skinned potatoes with delicious white flesh. Excellent flavor--one of the highest rated in taste-tests. Good for baking (not too dry, not too moist), potato salads, boiling, mashing, chipping. No darkening (greying) after boiling
    Vigorous plants that withstand pest pressure, disease resistant and produce attractive firm and smooth tubers.

  • Red Norland - early season, Red Norland’s compact plants make it an ideal potato variety for smaller gardens. Enjoy early yields of extra-large tubers with thin redskins and white, fne quality flesh. Shows good resistance to scab.

  • Superior - early-season, Superior is a white-skinned, white-fleshed, suitable for many uses

  • Yukon Gold: - early season, Yellow skinned with pink colored eyes and has a creamy yellow, buttery flavored flesh. Tastes great. Stores well.

Bulk Conventional Potatoes $4.99 a pound

  • French Fingerling - late mid-season, Pink-skinned fingerling with bi-colored flesh. Tall, spreading plants produce tubers with pink skin and yellow, red-flecked flesh. This variety is known for its gourmet-quality flavor and is best boiled or roasted, resistant to common scab.